regarding fucking korean service manager called'Mr XYZ'
he has fucking manner he can't speak english and german.
please fire him. his telephone manner is too bad
he is stupid. he is really fucking guy
so I never purshase fucking *piep* product
without firing him & burning him by fire
again his name is Mr XYZ who is fucking stupid korean manager
I'm service center owner.
For Mr XYZ who is *piep* service manager, please fire him
We claim Mr XYZ who *piep* service manager
He can't speak english. and we can communicate with him for service issues.
sometimes he ignore our service issues.
Just he require us money every month. &
he bother our service center.
Mr XYZ said If we give Mr XYZ mony, he will pay to us service money more
than we requested.
Mr XYZ who is korean service manager require bribe to private service center
We very disappont *piep*. please fire him immediately.
because of mr XYZ's bad attitude We can't operate service any more
Some day we will boycott *piep* product if Mr XYZ is not fired or shipped
to korea.
Mr XYZ is really shit man
VEry best regards
service center / dealer
1 Kommentar:
naaa, DA war aber mal jemand sauer *G*
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